By Guest on Friday, 03 August 2018
Category: Blog

Spay and Neuter in Kansas City

Spaying or neutering your pet is one of the most responsible moves you can make as a pet owner.

Groups advocating for spay and neuter in Kansas City can attest to this, and the help it does to the animal community as a whole. Not only does it help to prevent continued overpopulation and homelessness in pets, it also offers some very desirable health and behavioral benefits. Despite this, there’s still a lot of misinformation surrounding spaying and neutering. Let’s chat about some of the myths out there and some of the questions and concerns that spay and neuter clinics in Kansas City get on a regular basis.



Spaying or Neutering is Too Expensive

It’s true that spaying or neutering your pet may seem costly if you've never taken them to the veterinarian. But, it’s also true that there are a lot of low-cost spay and neuter options in Kansas City to help those who may find the expense of the procedure a bit much for their budget. Just be careful to choose a clinic that will still put your pet's health first.


Won’t Spaying or Neutering My Pet Lead to a Personality Change? I Like My Pet How They Are!

Well, sort of. But, not in the way you’re likely thinking. It’s true that neutering your pet may alter their personality, but the changes you’ll see are actually really positive. Unwanted pet behaviors like roaming, mounting, and aggression are all greatly diminished (in many cases eliminated) by neutering your pet. The fun stuff you love about your pet, like cuddling and affection will remain the same and will most likely get even better.


Isn’t Breeding Healthy For My Female Pet?

No, this is a very common misconception. Breeding and birth can actually cause more health issues than eliminating the ability to reproduce. Spaying your pet creates a greater opportunity for a longer, healthier life. It helps avoid complications in birth, and long-term issues like developing mammary or uterine cancers.


We Want a Puppy, Can’t We Just Donate the Rest of the Litter?

Yes and no. It’s possible you can find homes for your litter. It’s possible a shelter will take them and adopt them out.  In both cases, you’re still adding to the overpopulation problem. There are thousands of pets in need of adoption in the United States alone. Some shelters are so full, they can’t accept more pets due to not having any space. Some city and county shelters will put the animal to sleep if they aren’t adopted in a specified amount of time. There are plenty of adoptable puppies looking for homes from a nearby shelter or rescue group. It’s responsible to have your pet spayed and neutered and here at Animal Medical Center of Kansas City, we offer spay and neuter in Kansas City and would be happy to answer any questions or schedule you an appointment.

Spay and Neuter in Kansas City